Saturday, October 25, 2014

Return to Phnom Penh

Goodbye to Siem Reap, and our very wonderful driver, Sambath.

We checked out of The Villa Siem Reap and hopped on a turboprop back to rainy Phnom Penh...

 Skies over Phnom Penh...

We moved back into our originally-intended hotel, Frangipani Villa-90s. Wonderful view, newly renovated. I really wish this was where we could have stayed the whole time...

We checked out the Cambodia National Museum for about an hour before they closed...

Afterwards we walked down the street to a restaurant recommended by our friend Lauren, called Friends. Great food, and another Cambodia beer, this one called "Anchor". Whether it's intended to confuse itself with "Angkor" beer we'll leave to the courts.

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